PACAC Partner in Education Award

The PACAC Partner in Education Award was created in 1998 to enhance awareness about our association by recognizing someone outside the membership for outstanding contribution to, and support of, postsecondary education. This award represents the collaborative spirit needed to foster a commitment to educational equity and access for all. Individuals, institutions and organizations may be nominated to receive this award.


Previous Recipients

2023     Dr. Tanya Garcia, PA Department of Education

2022     Western PA College Success Roundtable

2020     William Yarnell, Villanova University Faculty

2018     Senator Andrew Dinniman, Pennsylvania State Senate
             Julie Cerrito, School Counseling Program at the University of Scranton

2016     Phil McCaffrey and David Cerniglia, 3RPrep

2015     Kimberly McCurdy, PHEAA

2014     Robert Freund, College Advising Corp

2013     Pennsylvania Association of Catholic College Admission Officers (PACCAO)

2011     Ron Cowell, The Education Policy and Leadership Center

2010     Dr. Lori Shorr, PhillyGoes2College

2008     Lisa Nutter, Philadelphia Academies

2006     Dr. Ken Hartman, National Technology Inst. for School Counselors and NBC 10 Philadelphia

2005     The Lenfest Foundation

2003     Philadelphia Futures

2002     Negro Educational Emergency Drive (NEED)

2001     Pennsylvania School Counselors Association (PSCA)

2000     Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA)

1999     Pennsylvania Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (PASFAA)

1998     The Honorable Chaka Fattah, Congressman (PA-02)