Inclusion, Access, Success Committee

The Inclusion, Access, and Success (IAS) Committee is charged with promoting awareness and sensitivity to the issues of culture, human rights, gender, age, and other differences in every PACAC initiative. It is our goal to create community by infusing the value of respect, education, communication, access, equity and inclusiveness in each PACAC undertaking.

IAS has sponsored the Camp College for several years now.  In 2020, we held our first ever Virtual Camp College, and have continued to offer multiple options each year.  We are revamping the program for 2023.  More details will be shared here

We will also be doing a webinar series on Affirmative Action & the Upcoming SCOTUS Decision.  The first webinar "What is Affirmative Action and How Do I Talk To My College-Bound Students About It?" will be May 18th at 1pm.  Please learn more here.

There is an IAS working group focused on addressing concerns specific to college bound students who are undocumented. The main initiatives include preparing PACAC sessions and webinars to create awareness among PACAC members and member institutions of current legislation and campus climate regarding DACA/Undocumented student concerns, surveying PACAC members and member institutions regarding their familiarity with the unique needs of those affected by DACA, and creating a useful resource list of member colleges with published admission policies for DACA/Undocumented students.

Chairpersons:  Shaliyah Braxton, Arcadia University
Contact:  [email protected]